Sunday 17 January 2010


Once all our filming had been completed it was time to start editing our footage. Although we all had specific roles within our group we all contributed to editing, weather it be given suggestions to making the changes. As I am not good with certain filming programmes I found it hard using Adobe Premiere however with practice and playing around with unwanted footage I became a little better and learnt some skills and techniques.

Now that our trailer had been uploaded me and my group started by putting the sequence of our trailer in the right order, this was mostly done by one of my group members, however later in the editing we all contributed in other sections of the editing.

As our trailer could not exceed a certain amount of time we had to decide which bits we would not include in our trailer and cut of unwanted and unnecessary footage.

The first part which was put together was the opening sequence which was of Elizabeth (actress) worshiping and praying to her late mothers photograph sounded by candles. We decided to speed this up to give a more frightening effect and to help fit into the amount of time we could include. However we slowed it down when the camera zoomed into the actresses face and when she opened her eyes. This gave a more scary effect and enhanced the abnormal eyes that she has, indicating that something was wrong with her. We made sure that between every scene that ‘’dip to black’’ effect on Adobe Premiere was used; as this gave a fluent and consistent feel and look to the trailer. The next scene was of a group of bird’s clustered together flying across in the sky fast. This scene was not included in our storyboard however, when looking back at the footage we liked the how it gave an apprehensive and scary fell to it.

The next scene was of Elizabeth walking towards the camera in the woods. We choose to speed this up to around 230-300 as it speeded up the trailer and gave a better effect that she was coming closer and quicker hopefully making the viewer feel on edge.

The next scene was on an investigator taking pictures of a covered dead body. We choose to shoot this from a medium long shoot so we could get both investigator and dead body in the same frame. This scene was approximately 3 seconds long, this was easy to edit as all we had to get was to include a quick glimpse of this.

The next scene was of a text hovering saying ‘’When evil takes over’’ we choose to keep all the texts that came in-between certain shoots the same to show consistency, we choose to use a black background and black writing with white and read on the edges hovering and shaking. this effect was achieved by going through affects in adobe premier, we choose the text scene(s) to be around 3-4 seconds long so it was just enough for the viewers to read it before it moved on to its next shoot.

The next scene was to speed up Elizabeth (actress) coming closer to the camera, we done this by speeding up around 200. Between these scenes the camera would then go to the shot when the camera is rushing through the woods it would then go back to the actress coming closer and closer until she reaches near the lens.
The next scene is of the shooting camera speed slowing down and showing a bloody hand on the woods floors. We slowed this down by reducing the speed of the scene also using adobe premier.

The next scene was of Elizabeth in her gown screaming hysterically outside in rain. As we used a hose pipe for the rain this was not noticed in the camera which was good, this helped the rain look real. We chose to use different shoot of Elizabeth in the rain screaming and put them together, we used a ‘’fade’’ effect to do this; this gave a fluent and smooth effect. This also showed different shoots and angles of Elizabeth in the rain, the last scene of the rain was of a closer shot of her face.

The next scene was of ‘’ Death’’ text this was done the same was as the previous text which I mentioned. It was on screen for the same amount of time and had the same colour scheme. The net shoot was of Elizabeth holding a knife with blood pouring out of her hand; this was shot in a close up as we wanted to enhance the blood and the knife. This was cut down to around 5 seconds. The next scene was of another text saying ‘’ destruction.’’

The next scene was of the camera tilting up from a grave stone, we choose to include this as it denotes death and maybe heartache. This scene was cut down to around 4 seconds and not speeded up as much as it was shot quit fast. Moving on, the next scene was of Elizabeth running across the floor, this was speeded up around 180, we done this as we felt it would give a more scary illusion. This was then faded to our production logo and name. This was created last and put in last however this was not hard to achieve. We choose our logo name to be on a still shot and be on screen for around 4 seconds.

The next scene then moves onto Elizabeth in a crap position upside done, we choose to do this as we got the idea from the exorcist and found it was scary. This scene had a bit of editing done to it as we choose to make her dress whiter using an effect which gave a 3.d look.

The next scene was of a picture of Elizabeth’s mother falling down whilst zooming out. This was done with a string attached to the picture being pulled. This shpt was speeded up around 200, we also included a dark outline around the photo, this was done as it emphasised the picture and gave a more scary illusion. This was done by simply adding a darkened effect round the edges of the photo. The next scene was of text saying ‘’ darkness follows’’ which was done in the same was as previous texts mentioned. The next scene was of Elizabeth in the woods in different spot coming closer to the camera this was done using 5 scenes. Ever time she came closer our sound track would have a noise which went with it. This was slightly hard as we had to match up tie sound with the right timing.

The next scene was of our teaser name, ‘’ The Summoning’’ and ‘’ coming soon’’ these were both done with a black background but with white text, we choose to use white text as it would stand out from the other text, also to show that it is the name of the teaser. We choose to use a zooming effect of the text with a spotlight in the left had corner; this gave an eye catching result. The music used for our teaser then finishes. This gives an illusion that the trailer has finished, however,

The next and last scene is of Elizabeth in the bath coming out gasping for air, this is the only scene that natural sound from Elizabeth is used.

Thoughout my teaser we choose to music soudn track Eximius84- Suman the demons. We had to cut out and edit the track to fit part of our trailer that we wanted it to.

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