Monday 14 December 2009

Chosen Horror Movie Name

As I had many different names ideas for the trailer on a poll on my blog, the most common one was ''unhinged''' me and my group all decided that we like that one and would liked to use it. However, when researching if that name had already been used it showed that there was a film already with that name. As we found this out we decided to think of together names suitable one of my group members came up with the name '' The Summoning'' we liked this is it reflect our storyline and also had religious context to it.

I like this poster as you cannot fully see the girl, which looks scary. However the wet hair automatically gives a on edge feeling towards the film.

I like this picture as we have chosen to put unusual contacts in our actress’s eyes, this gave a good look. This poster looks effective as the font is bold and noticeable. I like the way the text is simple but emphasises thee main key words.

I like the way the text is simple but emphasises the main key word 'exorcism' effectively.

Research: Font/Text & film posters

As we will be designing a film poster/magazine front cover I have chosen to include pictures of relevant horror covers which we could get ideas from when coming to designing our film poster/magazine front cover. Also as we have chosen to include text in our trailer these images will help give me and my group to an insight on which texts/fonts work well together.

Possible Storylines....

This is a little delayed entry to my blog, however I find that it will be important to include in my blog as it states all the ideas.

When I and my group could not think of a suitable story line for our trailer, I set my self a task to come up with 5 horror movie storylines which could be possibly used for our trailer.
They are the following:
1. Ouija Board
A group of friends decide to go to a member's empty house. They all decide to use the Ouija board. However, one of the members feel sceptical about this. After a lot of persuasion, she decides to give an join the other friends. The Ouija board begins to respond and the girl gets shocked. It threatens the group by messaging - 'I will kill you.' The group of friends decide to ignore this and soon after realise that everything has changed. Unusual things happen as one by one, each member faces a life threatening event.

2. Serial killer on the loose
A beastly serial killer is on the loose, particularly targeting girls with blonde hair and blue eyes. A girl is home alone, venerable to the serial killer. She escapes the wrath of the killer but fails to prove that all of this had occurred to her parents as the house once trashed, was left untouched when they returned to check it.

3. Haunted House
A new couple buy house. Feeling uneasy, the wife tells her husband that something feels wrong about it. The husband reassures her. As he leaves for work, the wife witnesses some dark and mysterious life form in her house.

4. Girl killed by mother
A family lives in a house in which a girl was killed by her own mother. The spirit of the mother returns to avenge her death. With this aim, the girl haunts the family to help her. A series of distress and bloodshed occurs as the girl's spirit tries to achieve her goal.

5. A woman kills her son

A woman who is seriously involved with spirits and souls ends up killing her son. The spirits and souls continue to play with her mind to ruin her life as a human.

10th Decemer.2009: Chosen Trailer Music Track

As I mentioned previously in my blog that me and my group had started to look at suitable music for our trailer, we had come up with music such as We have looked at the following clips as potentials:

- Evanescence- Lithium
- Children’s Choice- Anthem for Satan
- Eximius84- Suman the demons ****
- Dark theme- Rohith

After looking at what the music would sound like with our trailer we came to an conclusion that the music tract Eximius84- Suman the demans **** suited our trailer best, and we would start to edit this track and make it fit where we want it to in our trailer.

The track Eximius84- Suman the demans
*orchestra music
*piano and church bells.

We like the contexts this track contains. As our trailer had religious context to it we feel that the chosen music would connote the religious context of the trailer.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Shooting: Saturday 5th December.09

As our filming dead line was looming I and my group decided that we would meet on the weekend in the morning to get the last scene done which still needed to be shot. We decided that we would all meet at 9:30 and make our way together to a grave yard to our grave yard scene. We decided to shoot at a grave yard that was local to us and that was big enough for us to do shooting in without making to much noise. We set out on our journey approximately around 9:50am once we arrived at the grave yard scene we set up our equipment and we did scene/ shooting of a cross grave stone. The camera was tilting up from the bottom and made its way up. We also did a shoot of the camera doing a full 360 degree turn. We decided to do this as it will give a scary and on edge illusion and also make the audience feel that someone is watching.

grave scene

Jasmine(Producer) and Mariam(Editor) shooting grave scene
Once this scene was completed we then made our way onto our second destinations which was to Sufia (Directors) house. Once we arrived we set up our camera equipment and did our raining scene. For this we decided that the actress/ producer (jasmine) would wear the white gown and be screaming hysterically in the rain. As we were unfortunate that it was not raining on Saturday we used a watering pipe to give a raining effect, we found that this turned out well.

Sufia (director) Demonstration how she is going to create the rain effect.

Me (camera girl) Shooting rain scene

Jasmine(producer) Acting in rain scene screaming hysterically
Once the raining scene was done we moved on to our last scene which was to take a following shoot of a bunch of birds flying to sit on top of a house. This gave a good effect as it made the scene look scary, and that the house may have a bad presence inside it.

Birds on top of the house

Story Board 6

Friday 4 December 2009

Suitable Music Ideas

Although me and my group have a minimal amount of scenes now left to shot. We have started to look at what music may be suitable to include in our trailer. As our trailer is going to have fast shots we want something with a fast beat to it but with a bit of a spooky edge to it. From this in my media lesson today I looked at music tunes on YouTube and saw which ones we could consider to use. Here I have included some of the music I have looked at, the one with the star (*) is the one me and one of my group member like the best so far out of what I have found.

- Evanescence- Lithium
- Childrens Choice- Anthem for satan
- Eximius84- Suman the demans ****
- Dark theme- Rohith

I will be continuing to be looking more into the possible music ideas we could use....

Filming: Wednesday 2nd December.2009

We decided to use Sufias’s car (group member) as this was most convenient for us and shot quick scene of the actress looking scared in the back of the car as if someone is after her or can see her. This did not take long as it was a quick medium close up of Jasmine.

For this scene me and my group headed to Sufia’s house around lunch time (12:00pm) and set our scene in an unused spare room. We aimed to create a shrine of the dead actress’s mother with a picture of her on a desk and loads of candle surrounding the picture. We chose to shot the actress worshipping on her knees to her mother’s picture as we though this would be most effective. Two of my group members shot this scene while I was holding up a cloth blocking out light from the window. The group members used wheels on the tripod and pushed the camera forward and around the actress; the actress then lifted her head and opened her eyes which was scary as white contacts where used. I like how this scene turned out as the filming was done well and the props used such as the candles and picture worked well together.

After this was done we just did a quick shot for about 10-15 sec of the actress holding the knife. We placed fake blood on her hand and made her clutch the knife really hard to give the illusion she was cutting her hand skin.

Me (camera girl) and Jasmine (producer) in the car

Me (camera girl) lighting candles

Jasmine (producer and Actress) about to knell

Mariam (editor) and Sufia (director) filming while I block light out from the window


Sufia (Director) Holding Knife

First Day Of Filming: 1st December.2009

Me and my group all set out to go to shoot at Tooting Bec Park in the morning at approximately 9:30am. It was a very cold day and proved winter has officially arrived. Once we reached the park we set up all our equipment and started to choose where about in the park we wanted to shoot. We found a scene which was sounded by a lot of trees. We thought this would be a good setting to shoot. The establishing shot that we did first was of a dead body being examined/ photographed by a police detective. We used a plain white sheet to cover the body and sprinkled fake blood on top. The dead body was acted by one of my group members (Mariam) and the detective was a media teacher in our school. We made sure when setting up our shooting equipment that it was also in a well lit area which would look best when shooting and give a better quality.

After this scene was shoot our actress girl who was, Jasmine (The Producer) and another group member of mine. Before jasmine got changed into her costume we went to one of my group member car and doe her make up, we made sure that Jasmine (actress)had a light colour foundation on, white contacts and blood running down the right side of her face. We did this to make her look frightening. Once the make-up was done the actress got changed into a white nighty which she was very cold in… as it was very cold me and Jasmine went to the car to warm up. Whilst we were doing that my group were shooting a hand held camera shot and added a bloody hand at the end of the scene, we used a panicking voice to promote fright and panic. After this was done me and Jasmine returned and started getting jasmine into her position, she was going to be coming closer and closer to the camera in single shots. I was filming this and was happy with how it turned out.

Once we were out of the cold and back into the warmth we headed to Sufia’s (group member) house and started to get ready to shoot the bath tub scene. This scene was slightly difficult as the actress’s nose kept on getting water up her nose when she went under the water. The actress struggled to push her self up from the water quick which we wanted to aim for. So to resolve this I held down the actresses feet whilst the shot was being taken. This helped and the actress, she was then able to push herself up a little better.

The final shoot of the day that we was going to do was the crab/crawling scene. We got this idea from the exorcist and thought it would be scary. This scene was simple as all the actress did was push her self up in a crap position on the floor. This worked really well and did give a spooky effect.

Getting ready to shoot :)

The dead body played by Mariam (editor)

Focusing On where to Place the actress/Producer

Me (camera girl) and Mariam (editor) shooting

The bath tub scene

Me(camera girl) getting ready to shoot the crab scene :)